Awesomist Giveaway!


The Journey…yeah, we like to give stuff away to those that like us.  And this is pretty much the most awesomist giveaway (I know…awesomist is not a word).

This giveaway is special to me…because of several reasons:

1)  the item that someone will win is one of my favorite brands!  I love Under Armour (and no…I am not getting any free products or paid to say that).  I wear this brand in about 98% of my workouts.  Their items last, they look great and help keep the sweat off your body.  Going to one of these stores actually is a planned event (and the closest one is about 90 minutes from my house).

2)  everyone needs something like this in their workout!

3)  this item has been used once…and only once…on my first 5k.  I haven’t worn it since and I have been keeping it to pass on to someone else.  (It is clean and is basically brand new…I promise!)


This is the cutest hat…EVER!

Giveaway from The Journey!

Giveaway from The Journey!

How To Win…

(pay special attention to the rules…cause if you don’t follow ALL of  these simple steps I won’t be sending this hat to you)

1)  Go to The Journey on Facebook and “like” the page.  Of course…this is if you haven’t already.  You can find us on Facebook at

2)  Be a follower on our website at  It is very easy to do this…just click on the word “Follow” that is down at the right side of the page.  You will see the words…Follow This Blog Via E-mail…that is what you are looking for!

3)  Write on this post (not the Facebook post…the website post) and let us know that you are following us.

That’s it!  Three things…and you might win this awesome giveaway!

What a bonus way to enter?  Share this on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest for 1 extra name in the drawing.  Make a comment on this post and let us know that you did this and where!

This Giveaway Ends…March 25th, 2013.

On your mark…get set…

goWhy are you waiting for me to say GO?

Go start liking, sharing and commenting already!  🙂


26 thoughts on “Awesomist Giveaway!

  1. Pam M

    I feel like I am a small part in your journey. I’m so proud of how far you have come since we did “First Place for Health” and I couldnt have imagined how much of a role model and friend you have become. So yes I will follow you to the ends of the earth to watch and see the difference you are making in others lives. Congrats to you and all that you do!


  2. Kasey

    Following and Shared on FB!! I just found this group today! Very inspiring! I am about half way to where I would like to be and I have my first 5k coming up this summer.


  3. Rebecca

    I just started my own Journey and what a journey it’s going to be. I’m excited and scared all at the same time. Just when I think I can’t do it, I remind myself that it’s a journey and every breath is another step.


  4. mominminnesota Post author

    Thanks for all who are following! Share this link with your friends! Maybe if they win they would share the hat with you too or give it to you since you told them about the contest in the first place. Couple more days till the contest ends…who will win? 🙂


  5. Sarah J.

    Please enter me!! 🙂 thanks. Funny thing is I bookmarked your site awhile back but never “followed”. I’ll put the link on my fb page also for that extra entry. Cute visor!


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  8. Angie Piper

    Im following and on Facebook. This is perfect for me cause I am in my own “Journey” I have lost 35 lbs so far and trust me a Long way to go but with that said I find reading your posts everyday I get inspired!! I CAN DO THIS….WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!! Thanks:)


    1. mominminnesota Post author

      Thanks! I’m ready to share your story whenever you are ready. Way to go on that 35! – Jessica


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  10. Pingback: Winner of the Awesomist Giveaway is… | The Journey

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